Do You Watch American Idol?

Should we be ashamed of admitting that we are not immune to this pop culture instant idol fever? As I already put all my favourite books (which were labeled by a friend as cheap romance novels) and films here for all the world to see, I might as well admit that I do watch and rather enjoy it.

I even used to have a strange infatuation for Ryan Seacreast! Yea, I was one of those girls who watch American Idol in order to drool over him. The strange thing was that I didn’t think Ryan was good looking at all.

What I liked about him was his sense of humor – which come to think of it, I’m not even sure really his – those amusing comments he made might be the results of a very good sense of humor of his script writer! At least now that was over. I no longer find him as amusing as before. Instead in this 7th season I found my self captured by the talent of the contestants.

I was one of those who are deeply disappointed when America decided to send Michael Johns home. He has a very special voice and really blown me away when he sang Bohemian Rhapsody (which I thought was sounded even better than the original). I thought he deserved to be at least at the top 4. Anyway….

I’m not a fan of David Cook, but now that Michael Johns was gone my attentions are turned to him. I have to admit he has almost everything. Week after week he impressed me with his stellar performances. I wouldn’t be surprised if he ended up become the American Idol this season.

His strongest contender David Archuletta is also very good. He has a very beautiful voice but lacked the hard edge which is owned by Cook. But being only 17, Archuletta has huge potentials to become a very big star and to win the American Idol.

I’m not that impressed with the rest.

Brooke botched her performance by forgetting her lyrics, something which should have never happened at this late stage! Jason was unimpressive. Syesha was good but her voice wasn’t distinct enough. Carly….well, she was never my favourite.
