I think I’ve watched all of Kang Ji Hwan’s movies and series – except for Be Strong Geum Soon, the reason is because I don’t really like the long series of family drama.
However, despite having more than enough of Kang Ji Hwan’s exposures I didn’t have any special feelings for him. I watched all his movies and series just because I like the storylines. Things changed when I saw Coffee House which has become my favourite drama of all time.
I fall in love with Lee Jin Soo its male lead. It’s not just an ordinary love that one feels for a certain character in one’s favourite movies/series. I’m completely, madly and irrevocably in love with him.
I don’t know how but I think some of that love has been rubbed off to Kang Ji Hwan himself. Hence, it transforms him into one of my favourite actors.
Imagine my happiness when I found out that he has been voted as The Actor of the Year in Japan. It means he has become the most popular Hallyu star in 2010.
Based on the survey conducted by Innolife (S-Plus Entertainment) 55.4% Japanese voted for him. The second place won by Jang Geun Suk who got 30.4% of the votes.
This is big. The Japanese love Bae Yong Jun who they consider as God and refer to as Yon-sama. But I see no difficulty for Kang Ji Hwan to be equally loved in the near future.
Particularly since his drama Coffee House has also been voted as The Drama of the Year with 48.6% votes. Followed by Sungkyunkwan Scandal which won 40% of the votes.
Love it. Love it. Love it.
Sorry I didn't see your comment sooner. Hope you'll like Coffee House ^-^