I don’t know about other organisations, but here in our bureau it becomes almost a tradition to hold a farewell for our colleagues who retire.
This year the farewell was designed to be coincided with our annual kick off meeting/outing. However, this time around the majority decided against having it at a hotel, saying that it was boring and they wanted something different.
So, off we went to Sapu Lidi which is located in the West Java Province – approximately two and a half hour drive from Jakarta.
To be honest I had no idea what Sapu Lidi was. My colleague who was assigned to be in charge of a scout team said that it’s a village and warned me to be prepared. Naturally, I was quite alarmed.
I’m a city girl. I hate all the inconveniences that could be found in most of our villages. With horror I asked about the one at the bottom of my hate list : the mud. He assured me that there’ll be no mud. The road isn’t paved but it’s decent enough.
I provide some pictures here so you could make your own judgement.
Sapu Lidi is a good alternative if you’re looking for something different. But if you’re planning to come with a big party please note that the village is quite small. We had the whole village for ourselves as it only has 25 huts.
You coming here would be a great excuse to take my first leave ever!
I'm already excited just imagining it ^-^